Nanaw went to visit Chase Sunday evening when she got home from the little house. Mama was making chicken noodle soup for dinner but Nanaw didn't want to eat the noodles. Chase and Nanaw went downstairs to play with the Fisher Price toys that belonged to his Mama when she was a little girl. They set up the McDonald's, the village, the house and the school. Chase was so excited to play with everything. He had the pre-school children go outside from school for recess. When they came in, he had the older children go outside. He filled up all the cars with gas at the garage. He had the mailman deliver mail to everybody. The excitement of the evening was when Sam the dog got up on the roof and the fireman had to rescue him. Also, lots of people went to eat at McDonald's. When it was time for dinner, Nanaw went upstairs and sat with them. Amazingly enough, Chase ate two bowls (small ones, of course) of chicken noodle soup and two pieces of garlic bread. Nanaw was very impressed. Chase asked Mama and Daddy if they would come downstairs to play with the village with him. Mama says they did and Sam got on the roof again and had to be rescued. She also said that one of the little boys was Jackson and the other dog was Dolly Dog.
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