Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018

Chase was happy to see Mrs. Herrmann in the classroom Monday morning, back from her trip to Washington DC for the Right to Life March. She told Nanaw all about her trip, and it sounded very interesting. She said Chase was really going to enjoy the 8th grade trip to DC because of his cognitive skills and how he's interested in everything. When Nanaw went to pick Chase up from school, one of the parents had a dog that looked very much like the shaved Sam so Nanaw took a picture surreptitiously and sent it to Mama. When Chase got home from school, he and Nanaw went downstairs to play school. They said the Pledge of Allegiance twice, once with Chase holding the flag and once with Nanaw holding the flag. Evidently the person holding the flag doesn't say the pledge -- who knew. Nanaw had Chase practice words that start with th and l -- those are the words he has trouble with. He also read the Toy Story 3 book No Place Like Home. He had popcorn and colored. When Nanaw took Chase home, they all went to the doctor for his annual check-up. He's 46 inches tall and weighs 48 and 1/2 pounds. He was very cute with the doctor, answering questions about how old he is and when his birthday is. He was quite the charming show-off and delighted Nanaw. After the doctor's appointment, Mama went through the McDonald's drive- through for dinner.

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