Nanaw was very happy about the weekend because Chase had a sleepover at the little house with her. Mama and Daddy went to a wedding on Saturday so Nanaw got Chase -- Yay! Chase and Nanaw left for the little house around 11 a.m. On their way, they stopped at the bounce house place close to Aspenhof. Unfortunately, Chase wasn't feeling himself. He seemed tired and without energy. He managed to do all the activities at the bounce house place but he and Nanaw only stayed about a half hour or 45 minutes. He went on the huge slide, played in the stock tank full of corn kernels, played in the big bounce house but not the little one, visited the goats, turkeys and birds, and best of all, went in the rope maze. However, Chase and Nanaw never did figure out how to get through the rope maze and reach the bell and ring it. When they got to the little house, Uncle Mike was there, cutting up the tree that fell down in the driveway. All of them went to Washington to Loew's to get cabinet knobs and handles and towel racks for the bathroom and the kitchen. Uncle Mike installed everything, finishing up his work on the little house kitchen and bathroom. Chase hardly ate anything all day Saturday and Sunday morning. On Saturday night before bed, the poor little fellow threw up. In the morning, Chase wanted Nanaw to stop at the bounce house place again, and so they did. But once again, they only stayed a short while. Chase had a good time in the corn and in the rope maze. In the afternoon, Chase and Mama went to Emma's birthday party. They were supposed to go to the Festifall but Mama decided to go home because Chase still didn't feel well.
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Friday, September 28, 2018
Friday, September 28, 2018
It was chilly on Friday morning so Chase wore his Old Navy hoodie and looked really cute. He always puts his hood up. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her that Koda, another friend from his class, was playing Minecraft with him and Connor during recess. He says they have two houses in the game, but Nanaw isn't quite sure what that entails. She'll have to get more information. At home, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs . Chase played in the playpen while Nanaw walked on the treadmill. When Nanaw took Chase home, he said he was really warm and that his stomach hurt. Nanaw hopes he's okay to go to the little house this weekend. In the evening, Chase and Mama worked on his story for the Young Authors Program. Mama said it's about puffins. Last year he wrote about penguins. Mama says he still has to draw the pictures. Mama said after he finished the story, he wanted some Tylenol, didn't want any dinner and laid down on the love seat.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Nanaw got a really neat Star Wars card for Uncle Doug's birthday. She hopes he likes it. Nanaw was excited that it was Thursday and she got to go be a volunteer in Chase's class. She had the same two groups as last week. But this time Chase's group was kind of wild and the first group was better. Nanaw took a picture of the first group but forgot to take a picture of Chase's group. Chase was sort of wild, the first time I've seen him be like that in school. During the first group, Mrs. Herrmann walked by, and she stopped to say hello to Nanaw and to give her a hug. She said she missed Nanaw, and Nanaw said she missed her. Then during the second group, Mrs. Sullivan walked by and said, Hi gorgeous to Nanaw and that made Nanaw feel good. When Nanaw picked Chase up, he said no one guessed what he brought in his paper bag (it was a chocolate Tootsie Pop). The boys and girls had to bring in something in a paper bag and give five adjectives to describe it and then the class would guess what was in the bag. Chase said he guessed Cole's object -- it was a shiny quarter. Chase said he and Connor played Minecraft at all three recesses again today -- so very cute.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
It was really chilly on Wednesday morning, so Chase wore the red jacket Mama left at Nanaw's house. He also got to no wear his uniform -- it was jeans day or dress down day. Anybody whose parents sold two Entertainment coupon books got to dress down. When Chase and Nanaw got home from school, they played school downstairs. Chase read a story in the Biscuit book and then he did some workbook pages. He also drew some pictures and so did Nanaw. In the evening, he had his last soccer game of the season. He seemed to be playing better; the team played against the team from Waterloo. Mama gave Nanaw a copy of a picture of a camel that a friend sent her. After the game, the team and parents went to Imo's to celebrate the team. Mama said they had a really good time, and the boys sat at two tables. Mama said Chase had a cup of Ted Drewe's ice cream -- and it cost $7 -- Wow! Nanaw had a church board meeting so she couldn't go along for the celebration.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he was excited to tell her about a game he's started playing with Connor, one of the boys in his first grade class and on his soccer team. Chase says they started playing Minecraft at recess. He said they played level 1 today and they'll play level 2 tomorrow. He said there are zombies. Nanaw doesn't quite understand how they're playing an iPad app game out on the playground at recess but that's what Chase says they are doing. Nanaw will try to get more information on Wednesday. On the way home from school, Chase and Nanaw went to the Telegraph Road library. Chase played with the apple stand in the kids room -- it was very cute. Chase had his second to last soccer game in the evening. Daddy couldn't go because he had to bowl for his bowling team. Chase did well in the game but toward the end he got hurt. They think he got kicked in the mouth. He's okay but he was in pain and the poor little fellow cried.
Monday, September 24, 2018
Monday, September 24, 2018
When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he had forgotten his water bottle. He informed Nanaw that she could give him another one for tomorrow and then she could take home today's water bottle when she took him to school tomorrow. On the phone call with Mama, he repeated that for her. For lunch, he told Mama he had toasted ravioli and that it was good. For his homework for tonight, he has to read a book and then draw a picture of the problem and solution in the book. Nanaw thinks that sounds difficult. When they got back to Nanaw's house, Chase wanted to go downstairs and play school. But first, before playing school, he climbed into the playpen with his stuffed animals and watched the news and the weather. Then Chase and Nanaw went into the "schoolroom" and Chase did a couple of workbook pages but he didn't want to read a Biscuit story. They played for awhile with the United States map on the wall and then they drew and colored some pictures. Then Chase asked Nanaw to clean things off the bed so he could lie down. He said his belly hurt. He lay there with his stuffed animals until it was time for Nanaw to take him home. At home, he lay down on the love seat and Mama covered him with a blanket. Nanaw hopes the little bug is okay.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Sunday, September 23, 2018
The first two pictures below show the tree branches that fell in the driveway at the little house. Uncle Mike is going to bring a saw next Saturday and clear them out. Chase will be there -- he's having a sleepover -- and he'll be very excited to see Uncle Mike and the saw Chase and Daddy went to 9 o'clock church on Sunday morning and then went out to Wentzville to visit Grandma Pat. She made spaghetti and meatballs for lunch for them, and Chase said it was really good and that he ate one of the meatballs. Nanaw came over to Mama's house at noon to watch the 1976 version of A Star is Born with her. She ordered it from Amazon, and they watched in the living room. It was very good, and they had fun. After the movie, they took Sam for a bonus walk. Then Chase and Daddy came home. Mama, Chase and Nanaw went to Dollar Tree for Mama to buy dog things for a charity thing at her work. They also bought a plastic container as a habitat for a caterpillar on Chase's porch but unfortunately the caterpillar didn't make it. Chase cried and said it was because his ear hurt, not because of the caterpillar going to heaven. He has such a dear, sweet heart.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Nanaw went to visit Chase early on Saturday morning. Daddy had gone golfing, and Mama wanted Nanaw to play with Chase while she went grocery shopping. Nanaw had brought the Biscuit book and the workbooks along to do with Chase. Chase read the Biscuit story about Biscuit's picnic. He really reads the Biscuit stories well, best of all, with lots of expression. He doesn't quite read other stories with as much expression so Nanaw will help him with that. He did very well with the workbook pages for math and spelling and reading comprehension. After their 'school,' Chase and Nanaw played Math Bingo. Chase loves playing Math Bingo, and it's very good for him. In the afternoon, Chase and Mama went shopping at Walmart. They bought Chase a Jack Skellington costume for Halloween -- very exciting. Mama is very excited about it because Jack is one of her favorites. They also bought Chase a small Battleship game. Now Mama is going to buy the larger version for Chase. Mama wanted to buy a Bingo game but Chase didn't want one. So Nanaw is going to bring her game for Mama to play.
Friday, September 21, 2018
Friday, September 21, 2018
Mama had the day off from work so she took Chase to school instead of Nanaw. Chase had early dismissal from school at 11:20 because the teachers had an in-service thing. So Nanaw decided that a visit to the Magic House would be fun for Chase. He had seen a commercial on TV about the new attraction, the Forest, and Chase was looking forward to checking it out. First, they went home for lunch, and then they went on their adventure. Chase liked the Forest and spent a long time there. He and Nanaw stayed at the Magic House for over two hours so Chase got to visit many of his favorite displays, including: the bubble room, the waterworks, the bank, the fishing hole, the Lego cars, the Schnuck's store, the vet's office, the catapult, the rock laboratory and the ice cream stand. He had a great time but Nanaw thinks she wore him out because he didn't fuss when it was time to go. Mama and Daddy were out celebrating Aunt Becca's birthday so Nanaw got to keep Chase until 7 -- yay! Chase and Nanaw had dinner together at the dining room table with a candle and music -- Chase danced in his chair and sang throughout dinner. Nanaw predicts a future as a rock star for Chase. After dinner, Chase rode his Big Wheel down to the circle, with Nanaw protecting him from cars. Unfortunately, one of the pedals came off the Big Wheel, and Nanaw couldn’t get it back on. When Mama and Daddy came to pick Chase up, Daddy put the pedal back on. It turns out that you have to screw it in counter-clockwise instead of clockwise -- who knew!
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