Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Nanaw got a really neat Star Wars card for Uncle Doug's birthday. She hopes he likes it. Nanaw was excited that it was Thursday and she got to go be a volunteer in Chase's class. She had the same two groups as last week. But this time Chase's group was kind of wild and the first group was better. Nanaw took a picture of the first group but forgot to take a picture of Chase's group. Chase was sort of wild, the first time I've seen him be like that in school. During the first group, Mrs. Herrmann walked by, and she stopped to say hello to Nanaw and to give her a hug. She said she missed Nanaw, and Nanaw said she missed her. Then during the second group, Mrs. Sullivan walked by and said, Hi gorgeous to Nanaw and that made Nanaw feel good. When Nanaw picked Chase up, he said no one guessed what he brought in his paper bag (it was a chocolate Tootsie Pop). The boys and girls had to bring in something in a paper bag and give five adjectives to describe it and then the class would guess what was in the bag. Chase said he guessed Cole's object -- it was a shiny quarter. Chase said he and Connor played Minecraft at all three recesses again today -- so very cute.

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