Saturday, December 1, 2018

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Chase had two adventures on Saturday. His first one was going to the ICS Craft Fair with Mama and Nanaw. They met Brady's mom there but Brady and Emma didn't come along. Mama bought Chase a snowman light, and Nanaw bought him a snowman. Mama also bought him two Fortnite things (Fortnite is the latest video game craze.) Mama also bought Christmas cookies and fudge. She had contributed fudge for the sale, also. They went into the Kristmas Kottage so Chase could look at potential Christmas gifts for Mama, Daddy, Grandma Pat and Nanaw. He would go shopping on Monday, with help from one of the 8th graders. On the way home, Mama stopped on Main Street and left chairs to watch the Columbia Christmas Parade. At 5 o'clock, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went over to Brady's house, and they all walked up to Main Street for the parade. Chase and Brady were so excited about the parade. The participants threw handfuls of candy to the boys, and they ran into the street, picking it up. Brady's mom brought plastic bags for them to put the candy in. Chase gave some of his candy to Nanaw, which was very sweet of him. It was a wonderful parade, and the weather was warm enough to be comfortable sitting outside. Nanaw hopes they go again next year.

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