Daddy had the day off from work on Tuesday so he took Chase to school but Nanaw picked him up. Once again, Chase was absolutely filthy. His jeans were covered in mud and so were his shoes. Nanaw changed his clothes and put them in a plastic bag for Mama. Chase played on the laptop after school, and Nanaw watched him. Earlier in the day, Nanaw installed her new printer, and Chase drew a picture of a puffin on abcya and then printed it on the new printer. Mama stopped to pick up Chase on her way home from work and getting her car washed. She wanted to get Chase home as early as possible so he could do homework and eat dinner before going back to school for the Christmas play performance. Nanaw came over at 6 so she could take a picture of Chase in his angel costume to send with her Christmas cards. Nanaw took lots of photos but didn't like any of them so Mama took one that Nanaw really liked. Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw waited in line outside of school for awhile and then went into the gym. Mama and Daddy sat high up on the bleachers while Nanaw stayed on the first row. Chase and Brady came and stood by Nanaw. The play was wonderful. The gym was packed. It was a perfect evening, and Nanaw was very happy about everything.
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