Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Chase and Daddy were glad that they went to Mass on Saturday evening before they picked Mama up from Aunt Becca's. Their church was closed on Sunday -- the priest couldn't get there because of the icy weather. Nanaw's church was closed too. Nanaw went to Chase's house for a delicious meat loaf and onion ring loaf dinner and to watch the Grammy's. But before the Grammy's, Mama got an emergency call from Brady's mom that the bedroom door was locked and could they bring a small screwdriver to open the door. Mama and Daddy went over to help while Nanaw gave Chase his bath. He used a purple bath bomb but Nanaw didn't know he was going to do that -- she had already put bubble bath in the water. So there was a superabundance of bubbles. Chase decided to take up the rubber mat and then he couldn't get out of the tub because he kept slipping. It was funny but dangerous. Mama finally came in to help. She put the mat back down in the bathtub and helped Chase out. The Grammy's were grand fun. Everybody but Sam sat downstairs. Tyler was there playing with one of his toys -- very cute. Chase brought lots of his "amamals" downstairs with him. Somehow one of the big Jacks got misplaced -- Mama says she's going to look for him more carefully tomorrow.

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