Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

When Chase came to Nanaw's house on Tuesday morning, the first thing he did was run into his room and get his Onix 120 Pokemon card and show it to Mama. It was the cutest thing. Mama and Nanaw agreed that they had no idea what the card was or why it was so important to Chase but they loved the fact that he was so excited about it. At school, Nanaw found the black glove she was looking for in the lost and found. Then in her car she found some extra gloves Mama had given her. She laundered them so she could give them to Mama. Nanaw went to Walmart and bought a green folder for Chase; she made it into his homework folder, which was in bad shape. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he wanted to know if they were going straight home. Nanaw said they were going to the cemetery first, and Chase said he was going to be bad Chase and wouldn't be good Chase till they were at home. Then a minute later, he was asleep. It was very funny. When they got home, he woke up and announced to Nanaw that he was good Chase. When Nanaw took Chase home, Mama noticed that he had a tear in one of the knees of his pants. Mama wanted to know how he got it but all he could say was that he fell. Nanaw took the pants home and sewed up the tear and washed them.

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