Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thursday, July 18, 2019

On Thursday morning, eager little Chase kept asking, "Is it time to go to Magic House Camp?" It was very cute. He absolutely loves it -- and Nanaw is so happy about that. On the way to camp, Chase would read only one of the books Mama sent -- Red Light, Green Light. He wouldn't read the Goodnight, Dora book because he said it was a girl book. LOL. He told Nanaw to tell Mama about it on the pickup call. Nanaw was so surprised to know that Chase is aware of the pickup calls. Nanaw told Chase when he's in school, she calls Mama everyday when she picks Chase up from school and calls that the pickup calls. Then she told Chase she also does a drop-off call, calling Mama in the morning after she drops Chase off for school. Chase didn't know about those calls and liked hearing about them. On the way home from camp, Chase read Red Light, Green Light again, saying that meant he read two books. Chase said he had a great time at camp. He wanted Nanaw to be a little later to pick him because he liked sitting and talking with his friends. Nanaw told him that wouldn't work because tomorrow was the last day, and parents and grandparents were coming in early to see what the boys and girls had done in camp. At the end of the day, Chase and Nanaw had school, but Chase didn't really want to do it. Nanaw managed to get him to do a page in the spelling book, spell ten words, do a punctuation page in the new language arts book, do an addition page and half of a subtraction page. Tomorrow, Nanaw will have school right when Chase gets home from camp. Nanaw showed Chase a picture of the bedroom at the cabin in the Smoky Mountains, and Chase chose the bed on the right, next to the clock, he said.

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