Monday, October 28, 2019

Monday, October 28, 2019

When Nanaw got to Chase's house on Monday morning, she went into his room and was delighted to see wonderful Sam lying in his special place in Chase's room, with the big stuffed animals. So Nanaw took a picture of Sam, and it's the first one below. When Chase got to his school class room on Monday, morning, he discovered that Mrs. Meyer had moved the desks around in the room. She made the desks into pods of two or three students, rather than four students. Chase was in a two1person pod with Lizzie. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she asked how he liked sitting next to Lizzie, and he said it was good. He also told Nanaw that at lunch he ate all of his turkey sandwich and all of his chicken soup. Nanaw asked him who he ate lunch with, and he said Cole, Connor and Brady. Mama had sent a bag of candy along for him, so when they got to Nanaw's house she let him have some candy, after he ate his yogurt, applesauce and chocolate milk. In the evening, Mama texted Nanaw that Chase had told Mama at dinner that her chicken noodle soup was so good he would give her $5 if she made it again for him. What a funny-bunny he is.

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