Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Chase had another wonderful Halloween adventure on Sunday. He, Mama and Nanaw went to Pumpkin Blossom Hill farm to get pumpkins and to play on all the activities. Mama and Chase wore their Jack Skellington shirts. They met Aunt Becky and her daughter Taylor there, as they've done in past years. Chase had a wonderful time playing with Taylor. He said that was his favorite thing about the day. He went on the slide a lot. Then he and Taylor went on the swings. They also jumped in the stock tank full of plastic balls and the stock tank full of corn kernels. Nanaw's favorite thing was going in the corn maze. Chase was the leader and amazingly enough, Chase successfully led them out of the corn maze. Yay, Chase!! Chase and Mama got bags of kettle corn but Nanaw didn't because she had a big bag Friday night and Saturday night so she said she was kettle-corned out. Mama bought three pumpkins for Chase and one pumpkin for Nanaw. After the pumpkin farm, they stopped at Schnuck's in Waterloo. Nanaw was excited to find out that they have lactose-free cottage cheese. That will be a much closer place to go than the Manchester Schnuck's or the Washington Walmart. Mama bought candy: Snickers almond for her and Nanaw and M&Ms for Chase. In the evening, Nanaw went over to Chase's house for a beef stroganoff dinner.

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