Friday, June 19, 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020

Chase and Nanaw had another good day. Nanaw got out some different workbook pages for Chase to do, and he seemed to like having new things to work on. They didn't get the flash cards or the problems done so Nanaw plans for Chase to do them when he comes over to her house on Saturday morning. Chase did well with the new pages. He also is doing very well with his cursive handwriting practice. Nanaw likes doing the two hours of school with him each day. It gives their days a focus and a purpose. Of course, if Chase had his way, he'd sit at the computer all day and play games but Nanaw needs to make sure that doesn't happen. Chase had Mama's spaghetti and meatballs for lunch; he really likes it. Tomorrow is Chase's half-birthday so Nanaw bought him $20.00 worth of Robux. They'll load them onto the laptop when Mama drops Chase off at Nanaw's on her way to the grocery store. When Nanaw took Chase home, Mama and Daddy were trying to decide what to order for dinner. Chase said he wanted Pizza Hut -- and so  that's what they had. They were sitting outside in the evening and Mama sent Nanaw a picture of Chase playing with his tablet and then one of Sylvester posing on the outdoor couch.

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