Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Chase and Nanaw had a good day on Tuesday. Chase told Nanaw what he wanted to do in school, and Nanaw wrote it down. Plus, she added a few more things. Chase did a spring prep page, reading, subtraction flash cards, addition flash cards, subtraction problems, subtraction memorization, a fancy pages addition practice page, and cursive handwriting. He did reading on the living room couch with his stuffed animals and Nanaw's stuffed animals. Later in the day, they watched Room 9 on the couch with the stuffed animals. Chase's favorite teacher, Mrs. Kristin Forth, was on. Chase likes her best of all and says he wishes she were on all the programs all the days. Nanaw thinks he has a bit of a crush on her. For lunch, Chase had fun nuggets, broccoli and cauliflower. When Nanaw took Chase home, Mama wasn't there; she'd gone with Aunt Becca to get a pedicure. But when Nanaw was leaving, Mama got home so Nanaw got to talk to her for a bit. She told Nanaw about Chase misbehaving last night when she was helping him with his shower. She said he had dirt ground into his hair, and she guessed he must have been throwing dirt with his friends after baseball practice. Boys!

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