Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday, October 18, 2020

When Nanaw went to visit on Sunday evening, Chase told Nanaw that he'd played outside for awhile. Mama fixed delicious eye of round (aka beef roast) for dinner on Sunday night. She also heated up a loaf of French bread and made carrots with maple syrup. Chase had plans for after dinner. He said he and Mama were going downstairs to play a Carnival game -- he had it for both the Xbox and the Wii. Once again, Chase fed the dogs to help out Mama. It was so good to see him helping his hardworking Mama. Mama cleaned up the kitchen, then Mama, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs. First, they played lots of Carnival games on the Xbox. Then they switched to the Wii and played lots of games on that. Nanaw was their audience and cheered them on. Mama did really well and won some of the games. Nanaw left a little before seven so she could go home and watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off on the CBS Sunday Night Movies. 

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