Thursday, October 22, 2020

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Nanaw went over to Chase's house on Thursday morning to pick him up because Mama's car was at Dobb's. Nanaw made He told Nanaw to remind him to bring his AR book home from school, and she did remind him when she dropped him off. His PE teacher was there and opened the car door for him. She asked him if he'd told his grandma he loved her, and Chase said yes. At Walmart Nanaw bought the Rubik's cube for Chase; Walmart also had a Rubik's cube named Impossible. I told Chase about it and he said he wanted it. LOL Before Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she went to his house to pick up his roller blades, helmet and hockey stick. Unfortunately Chase didn't want to go to the park because of some problems his friends were having with each other. So Chase roller bladed in Nanaw's driveway and the sidewalk. On the downhill sidewalk, he started going really fast and crashed in the grass. But he jumped up and said, "I didn't get hurt because I fell on the grass." Chase did well with the math flashcards and fairly well with the math problems. Nanaw intends to keep doing math with Chase to help him become better at math.

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