Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house on Saturday morning while she went to the grocery store. Chase and Nanaw had a great time playing with his demo derby cars and all the things that go with them. Chase liked the new things Nanaw bought him at Dollar Tree -- the RV, another constructions site, and two new cars. Nanaw told him he could leave the cars out on the living room floor until it was time on Tuesday to pack them up for the trip to Rockbridge. Mama came early to get Chase because her trip to Schnuck's was faster than usual. She says that 9 a.m. is the best and fastest time to go grocery shopping. She did everything early because of Chase and Daddy's plans for the afternoon. After lunch, they were going out to Uncle Chris's house so Chase and Elias could go swimming and play together.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Friday, July 30, 2021
Friday, July 30, 2021
On Friday morning when Mama and Chase came to Nanaw's house, they told her that Hunter came over to play last night. Chase said they played Roblox, Minecraft and hockey. Chase and Nanaw had a great day on Friday. Chase had breakfast in the kitchen and watched the rest of Despicable Me 2. And he finally really watched it so Nanaw is going to keep up the thing where Chase eats breakfast in the kitchen and watches movies. At noon, Chase and Nanaw went to two Dollar Trees (the one by Telegraph Road Schnuck's and the Columbia one) looking for a gas pump toy for the demo derby cars. They didn't exactly find one but they bought lots of other stuff. At school, Chase and Nanaw sat at the dining room table, and that seemed to work better. It also works well for Nanaw to read what Chase is doing and to play close attention to it. Chase saw Nanaw playing Word Connect so he loaded the app on the tablet and had fun playing it. Mama and Daddy picked Chase up at 5:15 to go to the Cardinals baseball game with Brady and his family. Nanaw ran errands after Chase left, one of which was going to the Walmart Dollar Tree and buying more cars and stuff for Chase.
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Chase and Nanaw had another fun day. Chase played with his cars several times, doing demo derbies and races. Nanaw suggested that Chase leave some of the cars home from Rockbridge so they could close the bag. But Chase insisted he needed all of the cars. Nanaw watched the demo derbies and races and that made Chase happy. He also put a demo derby in one of his Roblox games and a huge roller coaster in his theme park game. Nanaw sat with Chase all during school and that seemed to help him get things done. So Nanaw will do that from now on. Chase said that tomorrow he wants to go to the Telegraph Road Dollar Tree to find the toy gas pump so he can use it with his demo derby cars. When Nanaw took Chase home, Chase started playing with one of his race cars on the Magic Track. Then he wanted to know if Hunter could come over to play but Nanaw didn't find out whether Hunter came or not.
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Once again, Nanaw had Chase eat his breakfast in the kitchen while watching Despicable Me. Later, he was working on his theme park again. He showed Nanaw the roller coasters he was adding to the theme park. One was huge, one was medium and one was teeny-tiny. For lunch, Chase had a turkey and cheese Lunchable and cauliflower. Before school, Chase brought out a lot of cars from his room. He had decided to have a demo derby with his little cars. He made sure he had an ambulance, a police car, a fire truck and a tow truck. He had several demo derby activities -- it was very cute for Nanaw watching the crashes. Chase decided he wanted to take a lot of cars to Rockbridge. So he brought out more cars from his room. Nanaw got out a bag to keep the cars in on the trip to Rockbridge. At school, things were slow going again They had school till 5 p.m. because they got started late and Chase did some playing around. In the evening, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to the big park to have a fried chicken picnic with Hunter and his family and Brady and his family. Mama sent Nanaw a picture of all of the kids.
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
uesday, July 27, 2021
Nanaw had Chase have breakfast at the kitchen counter while watching Despicable Me, rather than playing with his tablet in the computer room and eating breakfast there. At noon, they went on an adventure. First, they went to church to drop off a USB drive. Then they got gas. Finally as the finale, they went to the library because Chase was halfway through the reading program at the library. For that, you get a free book. They had a poster board with the names of the books available, along with a description of what the book was about. At school, Chase played around a bit and so school had to go till 5 p.m. instead of 4:30. When Nanaw took Chase home, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw talked about Rockbridge, and Mama pulled up a picture of the swimming pool on her phone and showed it to everybody. Nanaw told Chase she'd go with him to the pool but she wouldn't go swimming. Chase wanted Nanaw to get on Roblox at 7:30 but Nanaw forgot. So Mama sent her a text and Nanaw got on Roblox and accepted Chase's friend request from his new avatar Chaseq15bacon and then got on the theme park game. At first, Nanaw couldn't find Chase but then his avatar found hers and they jumped up and down together. Great fun!
Monday, July 26, 2021
Monday, July 26, 2021
Chase and Nanaw had a good day on Monday. During school, Chase did division flashcards and multiplication flashcards. He did really well with multiplication -- he knew all the answers and answered really quickly. With division, he took longer to answer but he only missed one. Nanaw was very impressed. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs. Nanaw walked on the treadmill but for some reason, Chase didn't get in the playpen. At the end of the day, Chase and Nanaw snuggled with his guys. When Nanaw took Chase home, Mama showed Chase the Cardinals baseball cards she had ordered for him. He was very excited about them. Mama said he could put them in the card holder she'd also bought for him. Then Mama took Nanaw downstairs; Nanaw had said she wanted to see Chase's new Chromebook. Mama ordered it for him on Amazon Prime Day. First, Mama showed Nanaw the Chromebook case, which has a cute dog on it. Then she opened the Chromebook, which automatically turns on when you open it. Very cool. Nanaw looked it up online and saw that it stays charged long enough to last a whole school day. Daddy texted coach Tim that Hunter could come over to play with Chase if he wanted.
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Nanaw let Chase sleep till 8:30 because it was so late when he went to bed Saturday night. Chase looked so handsome Sunday morning in his church clothes -- a yellow Polo shirt, dark dress pants and dark dress shoes. He gobbled down the mini donuts Mama sent for his breakfast. It was pouring down rain when Daddy picked Chase up for church. (In the evening, when Nanaw asked if he saw any of his friends at church, Chase said he saw Henry and Alaina.) Nanaw was so sorry to see Chase go. They had such a perfectly wonderful sleepover. Nanaw had been having lower back pain for several days, and she decide she has a kidney infection. So she called the after-hours people from her doctor's office. To her shock, the doctor prescribed a course of Cipro, an antibiotic. Nanaw already feels better. Nanaw went over to Chase's house for dinner. Dinner was delicious cheeseburgers and corn on the cob. Chase was downstairs playing computer games but he eventually came upstairs to see Nanaw. After dinner, Chase and Daddy were playing balloon baseball in the living room. Nanaw watched for awhile and sort of played with them.
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Aunt Becca's and Uncle Stan's to Uncle Stan's birthday party. Then at 5:30 Daddy brought Chase over to Nanaw's for his sleepover. They went to Walgreen's to pick up a prescription. Nanaw bought lots of toys for Chase: a Minecraft Lego set; another Toad who'll live at Chase's house; and two blue cars whose doors open. After Walgreen's, Chase and Nanaw went to Sonic for dinner. Chase was so cute about it -- he told Nanaw she had to press the red button to give their order. He also found the pretzel twist he wanted on the menu. Chase didn't want to eat in the car so they went home and ate at the dining room table. After dinner, Chase and Nanaw played with his new Legos, while watching Despicable Me 3. Next, they went outside and played baseball in the front yard. Once again, Nanaw followed Chase's advice about how to swing the bat, and she did well with hitting. Then Nanaw watered the plants and bushes. Chase continued to practice his pitching, even though it was getting dark. Chase had a long, fun bath, playing with the fishing things in the glass bowl. Nanaw kept Chase up till almost midnight. The first three photos below are from the Demo Derby at the Monroe County fair. The next three are from Aunt Becca's party. The rest are at Nanaw's house.
Friday, July 23, 2021
Friday, July 23, 2021
Chase and Nanaw had a fun day today, as always. Nanaw loves spending time with Chase and will miss him when he goes back to school on August 18. They played with his Legos; he made some Minecraft things. The colors of the Legos are Minecraft colors. School went well, and Chase did well. Nanaw had him do two math pages because there are more math pages than the other sections, and Nanaw wants him to finish all the math pages before he goes back to school At the end of the day, they went out in the front yard and played baseball until 4:30 when Mama came to pick Chase up. She came early because they were all going to the demo derby at the Monroe County fair in Waterloo. They were going to leave their house a little after five, as soon as Daddy was finished working and were meeting Brady and his family there. Mama told Chase there might be Chick Fil A and Chase said that's what he was having. The last photo is from the cemetery where Nanaw had her Crunch Wrap Supreme dinner with PawPaw -- it was the 16th anniversary of when he went away.
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Chase played with his three new green frogs from Dollar Tree and was so cute with them. They had a sleepover with Chase last night, then came back to Nanaw's house this morning. Chase said he's taking a bath tonight, and the frogs will join him. He wants the frogs to take a bath with him when he has his sleepover at Nanaw's house Saturday night. He also played with his Dollar Tree Legos. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs because the cleaning lady was coming. Chase spent a lot of time playing in the playpen with his stuffed animals and the three green frogs. At 2:30, Chase and Nanaw had school. As always, Chase did really well with his workbook pages. Nanaw loves watching him while he does. You can see the wheels turning in his head as he reads the instructions, thinks about them and then begins working on the workbook pages. Nanaw baked a loaf a frozen bread to take to dinner; it wasn't rising properly so Nanaw turned the oven on to warm, and that did the trick. The Stouffer's lasagna was good and so was the bread. After dinner, Chase played blitz ball with Daddy for awhile. (The blitz ball came yesterday, and Chase was very excited. Then he went swimming in his pool and Nanaw stayed to watch him. Then he and Daddy played water baseball, and Nanaw was the umpire. Nanaw went to Walmart to buy a DVD player and to Schnuck's for cottage cheese. The fist picture below is something funny Chase did. Nanaw said he could have the box of Swedish Fish candy after he drank his chocolate milk. At Chase's request, she put a post-it note on the Swedish Fish saying After Milk. Chase then drank the milk and put a post-it note saying Empty. LOL
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
On Wednesday morning, Chase and Nanaw had a Dollar Tree adventure. They went to the Dollar Tree by Walmart. Nanaw bought three M&M ice cream cookies for Mama, Daddy and Chase. They bought a little package of green plastic frogs that are Chase new favorite thing. They also bought two more boxes of Dollar Tree Legos. Chase did really well with his schoolwork in the afternoon. The frogs and Tee Tee helped him, so that went well. He told Nanaw how smart he is, especially in math. When Nanaw took Chase home, she meant to take the three M&M ice cream cookies but she forgot one of them so she'll have to take it tomorrow. Nanaw is going to dinner at Chase's house tomorrow. Mama bought a Stouffer's lasagna because Nanaw asked if she'd ever had it and was it good. Nanaw offered to bake a loaf of the frozen bread and bring it over for dinner.
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Chase had an extremely exciting morning on Tuesday. He went to the big park for Cardinals camp. The first picture below is of Chase and Cardinals player Tommy Edman., second baseman. Chase got to ask him a question during the Q & A session. Chase asked Edman what his reaction was to the back to back homers in yesterday's game against the Cubs. Nanaw doesn't know what the answer was so she'll ask Chase. Chase had Edman autograph a baseball for him, along with the other former Cardinals players who ran the camp. It was a wonderful experience for Chase; Mama stayed for camp and got to hang out with Brady's mom. In the afternoon, Mama, Chase and Nanaw had a great adventure. First, they had Taco Bell for lunch-- Yum! Then they went to Columbia Bottom conservation area to see the sunflowers and the confluence. They didn't get to see the confluence at the conservation area but they saw it on the way home -- awesome. Chase went to baseball tryouts with Coach Tim in the evening but he didn't have to try out. Mama told Nanaw she bought Chase a baseball card holder and some baseball cards. He also got baseball cards at Cardinals camp.