Mama had the day off from work on Friday, so she took Chase to school. Then she and Nanaw had a shopping extravaganza and bought a lot of Christmas presents for Chase and other people. Mama and Nanaw picked Chase up from school and then went back to Chase's house for a few minutes. Mama gave Chase some presents she bought for him, and he was delighted. Mama and Daddy were going to the mouse races with Aunt Becca and Uncle Stan in the evening so Nanaw got to baby-sit with Chase. After leaving Chase's house, Chase and Nanaw went to the Magic House for a Friday night adventure. They had a wonderful time at the Magic House and visited the craft area where they drew pictures of a snowman. Then they went to room with the wall of floating things, which was in a Christmas theme. Next, Chase played for a long while with the Lego cars. There were several older boys playing there, and Chase got a kick out of playing with them. Then they visited the forest area, then upstairs to see the train display. Chase was excited to find baby Jesus in one of the train box cars. Their last stop was Kenya, and Chase had a great time there. They read a poster promoting the next display, coming on February 2: China. After the Magic House, they went to dinner at McDonald's in Columbia. When they got home, Chase took a long bath. Then Nanaw took Chase home, a few minutes before Mama and Daddy got home. Nanaw had a great time with her Chase adventures.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
When Chase got to Nanaw's house on Thursday morning, he raced into Pawpaw's room and started playing Roblox on the laptop. He called to Mama to come watch him, and she did. He was very excited about the whole thing. When Nanaw did her volunteer work at Chase's class, both groups were much better than before, and things went really well. They read a book about coral reefs and then learned lots of facts about whales. Nanaw had great fun. One of the little boys told Nanaw his favorite thing about school was coming to read with Chase's grandma. At one point, Chase said he was a maniac, and he started doing some weird gyrations but otherwise he behaved fairly well. Nanaw had a great day of finding lost Chase stuff: she found a missing sock, a missing Mizzou hat and a missing glove -- yay, Nanaw! Nanaw was very excited to get the first shipment of her replacement silverware so she took a picture of one of the forks. After school, he played Roblox again for awhile, then watched the weather channel in his room, then played hockey in the hall. For a few minutes, Chase and Nanaw had fun pretending to be cats and playing with the basket of cat toys in the hall. Sidney came and played with them and was doing thumper kicks on the toys.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Chase played with Alexa for awhile on Wednesday morning, then went to the laptop to play Roblox. He had Christmas play practice after school, and Nanaw stayed to watch. She hopes that it's okay that she stayed. The boys and girls were awesome and chaotic and Nanaw had fun watching. The kids went wild every once in awhile. It was amazing how much they learned in just an hour and 15 minutes. They worked on three songs and the accompanying dance moves. The principal, Mr. Kish, came to watch practice and to practice along with the first graders. After play practice, Mama, Chase and Nanaw went to Ford to pick up Nanaw's car. Then they went to Waterloo Walmart so Chase could give Mama and Nanaw ideas for birthday and Christmas presents for him. Nanaw bought Chase a stuffed Pokemon and some Pokemon figures and little trees for Mama for the train display. When they got back to Nanaw's house, Alexa had arrived. Unfortunately, Mama didn't have time to set her up because they had to get dinner from Bread Company, do Chase's homework and give Chase a bath. But Mama says she'll do it tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Chase played with Alexa before school and after school. He did song quiz and won, beating Nanaw. And of course, he did Alexa, fart. After school, Chase and Nanaw stopped by Chase's house to let Sam out because Mama was going to be late getting home. Nanaw gave lunch meat to Sam and Tyler and took pictures of them to send to Mama. Chase decided to look for the St. Bernard dog that's the elf on the shelf. He looked upstairs and downstairs but couldn't find the dog. Nanaw found it with a group of Christmas decorations in front of the fireplace and took a picture of the dog. She sent it to Mama and told her Chase was searching for the St. Bernard but couldn't find it. Next, Nanaw took Chase to meet Mama for his dentist appointment. He had to have a cavity filled. Mama got to go back to get him settled but then she had to come back out to the waiting room. He was quite the superhero for the whole process. Everybody was impressed by how well he behaved and how well he did through the whole process. Mama and Nanaw were very proud of him. After the dentist, Mama, Chase and Nanaw took Nanaw's Escape to the Ford dealer to get a recall issue fixed.
Monday, November 26, 2018
Monday, November 26, 2018
When Chase got to Nanaw's house Monday morning, he told her he was hoping Alexa would come that day. At school, Chase stood in the hall having a conversation with William about Roblox. It was very cute; Nanaw told Mrs. Neff what Chase was doing and that he would be in soon. Mrs. Neff said Chase probably missed William. Alexa arrived mid morning and Nanaw spent most of the day setting her up. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school and told him that Alexa had arrived, Chase got very excited. He started playing with her as soon as they got home. His first thing, of course, was, "Alexa, fart." What a kid! He and Nanaw played the song quiz, then Chase asked Alexa to play Christmas music. Then they thought of other music to ask for. Nanaw ordered an Alexa for Chase, and it's supposed to arrive by Thursday, November 29. When Nanaw took Chase home, she took Alex along and connected it to Chase's Wi Fi. Mama, Chase and Nanaw played the song quiz, and of course, Mama knew almost everything. Chase was excited to see that Mama had put up his Christmas tree and Christmas lights in his room.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Sunday, November 25, 2018
At church on Sunday morning, Nanaw took a picture of the Christmas trees at the front of the church to show to Chase. On Sunday evening, Nanaw went to visit Chase and she and Chase were very excited because they thought the Alexa Nanaw ordered Friday evening at Jackson's house was going to come on Sunday. But it didn't come, and they were both sad. Nanaw brought the new subtraction book, the crossword puzzle book and the Biscuit story book along with her to Chase's and he did all three of them. Mama decorated the house for Christmas on Sunday, except for Chase's room. She said she would do that Monday. Chase and Nanaw played hockey in the kitchen for a little while before Nanaw went home. When Nanaw got home, she took a picture of her empty front port with no Alexa delivery and sent it to Mama and Chase.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Chase had a soccer game on Saturday morning and got to wear his cool new jersey. Nanaw really likes the maroon color and the number 15 on the back of the shirt. Chase did a really good time in the game, keeping up with the ball and protecting the goal. And he said he had a really good time playing. In the evening, Mama and Daddy had a triple date with Uncle Joe and Aunt Jen and their next door neighbors. (They went out to dinner and then to a crafty place with Legos and beer and wine.) Nanaw got to baby-sit Chase and that made her very happy. Chase and Nanaw had a candlelight dinner and a fire in the fireplace. They watched part of the Weather Wars movie; then they watched A Charlie Brown Halloween, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and Charlie Brown and the Pilgrims on the Mayflower. After dinner, Chase and Nanaw played on the computers. Then Chase took a really long bath in the garden tub and had a great time doing so. After his bath, he and Nanaw sat on the couch in front of the living room TV and watched the weather channel. Chase dozed off just before Mama and Daddy came to pick him up. Mama bought some Lego figures for Chase at the crafty place. She also bought a Jack Skellington and Sally for herself.
Friday, November 23, 2018
Friday, November 23, 2018
Chase had a day of adventures on Friday. His first adventure was the traditional visit to the Transportation Museum with Mama and Nanaw to see the wonderful Christmas train display. They also got to see two real reindeer: Dasher and her daughter Clover. Chase had his usual popcorn, and they did the scavenger hunt really well. Nanaw will take Chase back again next week, maybe on Thursday and Friday. After the Train House, they stopped at Handyman Hardware to see all the Christmas decorations, which were super as always. Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky were at Nanaw's house putting up Nanaw's outdoor decorations. After Mama and Chase dropped Nanaw off, Nanaw found Chase's Mizzou cap and sent a picture of it to let Mama know it was there and not lost and that she'd bring it to Mama the next day. In the evening, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to Jackson's house for dinner and to see Jackson's outdoor decorations. Dinner was crack chicken and salad, absolutely delicious. For dessert, it was a Reese's Pieces and cream cheese pie -- yummy. Jackson and Chase went downstairs to play with all the tunnels, and Nanaw went down there to play with them. It was raining outside, so they couldn't go out in the back yard to see the lights. Instead they went for a ride around the subdivision to see all the lights, including Jackson's.
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