When Chase got to Nanaw’s house on Tuesday morning, he wanted to go downstairs and play on the piano keyboard. Nanaw said okay but he had to get himself dressed for school first. Nanaw was impressed with how quickly he got dressed – faster than ever before. He had a good time playing with the keyboard again. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he was so excited about his new adventure. He said he had a "crew" – he said his crew was a team that did battle. Here are his crew members: Henry, Brady, William, Evan and Cole. He said Amelie was a maybe. Nanaw asked about Evie, and Chase said she was on the other team. On the way home from school, Chase and Nanaw stopped by Chase’s house to let Sam out. Chase gave him lunch meat as a treat – very cute. Chase and Nanaw went to vote, and they both got "I Voted" stickers. Chase also was given a candy bar and a cookie. Mama had a hair appointment so Chase stayed with Nanaw until Daddy was done voting.
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