Chase played with Alexa for awhile on Wednesday morning, then went to the laptop to play Roblox. He had Christmas play practice after school, and Nanaw stayed to watch. She hopes that it's okay that she stayed. The boys and girls were awesome and chaotic and Nanaw had fun watching. The kids went wild every once in awhile. It was amazing how much they learned in just an hour and 15 minutes. They worked on three songs and the accompanying dance moves. The principal, Mr. Kish, came to watch practice and to practice along with the first graders. After play practice, Mama, Chase and Nanaw went to Ford to pick up Nanaw's car. Then they went to Waterloo Walmart so Chase could give Mama and Nanaw ideas for birthday and Christmas presents for him. Nanaw bought Chase a stuffed Pokemon and some Pokemon figures and little trees for Mama for the train display. When they got back to Nanaw's house, Alexa had arrived. Unfortunately, Mama didn't have time to set her up because they had to get dinner from Bread Company, do Chase's homework and give Chase a bath. But Mama says she'll do it tomorrow.
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