Friday, November 23, 2018

Friday, November 23, 2018

Chase had a day of adventures on Friday. His first adventure was the traditional visit to the Transportation Museum with Mama and Nanaw to see the wonderful Christmas train display. They also got to see two real reindeer: Dasher and her daughter Clover. Chase had his usual popcorn, and they did the scavenger hunt really well. Nanaw will take Chase back again next week, maybe on Thursday and Friday. After the Train House, they stopped at Handyman Hardware to see all the Christmas decorations, which were super as always. Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky were at Nanaw's house putting up Nanaw's outdoor decorations. After Mama and Chase dropped Nanaw off, Nanaw found Chase's Mizzou cap and sent a picture of it to let Mama know it was there and not lost and that she'd bring it to Mama the next day. In the evening, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to Jackson's house for dinner and to see Jackson's outdoor decorations. Dinner was crack chicken and salad, absolutely delicious. For dessert, it was a Reese's Pieces and cream cheese pie -- yummy. Jackson and Chase went downstairs to play with all the tunnels, and Nanaw went down there to play with them. It was raining outside, so they couldn't go out in the back yard to see the lights. Instead they went for a ride around the subdivision to see all the lights, including Jackson's.

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