Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday, September 13, 2019

On Friday morning, Chase wanted Nanaw to set up the pillow obstacle course for him to do. But Nanaw told him they didn't have enough time before school. She promised him that the pillow obstacle course would be waiting for him when he got home from school. After Nanaw set up the pillow obstacle course, she took pictures of it and sent them to Mama. (Mama probably thinks Nanaw is nutso.) On the way home from school, Chase and Nanaw went to Dollar Tree. They bought popsicles, four bases for Lego building, a plastic spider that walks down windows, a harmonica, a guitar and a recorder. When the got to Nanaw's house. Chase immediately and excitedly did the pillow obstacle course. Nanaw put a gold medal at the end of the course for Chase. He did the course several times, then he wanted to play the instruments he bought at Dollar Tree. He also played a lot on the little keyboard. After the music was over, he played with the Legos and the Roblox figures. He used the new bases to expand the obstacle course. Chase and Mama had a date on Friday night. Daddy was playing in a golf tournament. They went to Joe's Pizza for take-out, and then Mama planned for them to do a craft in the evening -- they were going to make bookmarks. Nanaw asked Chase to make one for her, and he said, very seriously, "I'll have to ask my Mama." Nanaw is very happy that for the past week or so, Chase hasn't played Roblox or watched YouTube videos on the laptop. Nanaw was worried because that was all Chase wanted to do. But if Nanaw plays with Chase and stays around him while he's playing, he doesn't seem to care about the laptop -- Yay!

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