Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thursday, September 12, 2019

On Thursday morning, Chase and Mama brought St. Louis Stingray to Nanaw's hospital so she could sew up a hole, which she did. Nanaw took Taylor to the vet in the morning, and it went well, much better than escape artist Sidney's trip to the vet. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he gave her some very exciting news: They got to play on the new playground at all three recesses. Chase says the new playground has excellent Ninja Warrior obstacles for him to do. Chase and Nanaw played at the kitchen counter with the Roblox figures and the Legos, making obstacle courses for the Roblox figures to climb on. Chase has quite the creative imagination. After school tomorrow, he wants Nanaw to create an obstacle course for him in the house out of pillows so Nanaw will do that when they get home from pickup. Columbia is under another boil order; supposedly it will be over on Friday afternoon. Nanaw gave her Sam's water to Mama because Nanaw didn't like how it tasted. After Nanaw took Chase home, she set out on a series of errands, including: the cemetery, Walmart, Manchester Schnuck's, Telegraph Road library and Columbia library. Tomorrow Nanaw plans to go to Labcorp at St. Mary's for a blood test, then to do reconnaissance on Dr. Handa's Kirkwood office, and then to River City for niacinamide.

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