Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Mama told Nanaw that Daddy and Chase went to church on Sunday morning but Grandma Pat didn't go. She said she was feeling achy. Chase went to baseball practice. Mama went along and got to visit with her friend Michelle. Nanaw went to Chase's house in the evening for dinner. Mama was making delicious pot roast. Chase hasn't been eating much the past couple of days but he ate pot roast, carrots and potatoes. After dinner, Chase and Nanaw went into Chase's room and played baseball with Chase's stuffed animals. We were using Percy as out baseball and somehow Percy hit the pictures on the shelf in Chase's room and everything came tumbling down. Nanaw and Daddy picked things up, and then Nanaw said they should go downstairs. They played hockey for awhile, then went back upstairs. Chase sat on the couch next to Mama so she could hug him. At Chase's request, Nanaw got him some apple cider. Tomorrow Chase is off from school, and Mama took the day off work. Some of the places they've discussed going are: a park, Costco, Yankee Candle, and Walmart.

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