Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Mama called Nanaw early on Tuesday morning to tell her that Chase threw up around 5 a.m. and wouldn't be going to school. Mama had Nanaw take Chase to the doctor for the walk-in to have the doctor take a look at him. The doctor on duty was Dr. Remus, a grandmotherly doctor. They test Chase for strep throat but he didn't have that. The doctor prescribed an anti-nausea medicine called ondansetron. Mama picked up the medication at Walgreen's and brought it to Nanaw's house. It's a pill that you put on your tongue and let dissolve. It seemed to work for Chase because he didn't throw up at Nanaw's house. Mama brought Chase a little stuffed bunny-looking animal. Most of the day, Chase played on the laptop. He also watched Chase TV and took a short nap. He ate a banana, cheese stick, baby chippies (cornflakes), oyster crackers and goldfish crackers. When Nanaw took Chase home, she realized that she forgot the bunny animal, Chase's health card and Mama's credit card. So she said she would bring them back after she went to Waterloo for Schnuck's and Walmart. Mama asked Nanaw to look at Schnuck's for the chocolate milk that she likes. Nanaw found the chocolate milk and gave it to Mama as a present. Nanaw brought all the things back to Chase's house. They named the little bunny Marsh.

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