Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

In Chase's classroom Tuesday morning, there were lots of cool looking cupcakes on the counter. Nanaw asked AJ whose birthday it was and he pointed his thumb at himself and said, "Mine!" Once again, Nanaw had lipstick on her front teeth and Maria pointed it out and then gave Nanaw her daily hug. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, Mama reminded them to go to her house to let the pups out. Sylvester greeted them with his dog toy in his mouth. Nanaw finally got a picture of him with the dog toy in his mouth. She also took a picture of both dogs as they were waiting to go outside. Chase and Nanaw each had a bag of Skinny Pop Popcorn from Chase's treat counter. Chase had Nanaw write a note to Mama telling her they'd eaten the popcorn. At Nanaw's house, Chase ran around the front yard and got his shoes really muddy. He tracked mud in the house, and Nanaw had to wash the mud off his shoes. They weren't dry when Nanaw took Chase home so he had to wear his slippers home. At Chase's house, Nanaw put Chase's wet shoes on the heat vent in the hall bathroom. Mama had a hair appointment so Chase stayed late at Nanaw's house until Daddy was home.

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