Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Chase took the blue and yellow rubber band bracelet to Brady today. Nanaw went to Dobb's for an oil change, and they also fixed the tire pressure sensor fault message with new sensors for $400. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she asked him if he remembered his book, and he said no, and Nanaw sent him back into school. Fortunately, Ms. Kennedy was still there and hadn't locked the door. Chase told Nanaw he'd moved up to level 3.4 with another 100% test; he also took another test and got 100% toward level 3.5. Chase and Nanaw went to the little library park but none of Chase's friends were there again today. They played baseball in the tennis court and had lots of fun. Then they went to Dollar General to get more whiffle balls; DG only had one package. Chase played with Nanaw's phone during the drive and for a little while when they got home. When Nanaw took Chase home, he went outside to play with Daddy. Nanaw was hoping that the Union Station birthday party was cancelled but Mama says it's still on and Chase is still going. Nanaw is probably going to wear her mask around Chase for 14 days after the party.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Monday, September 28, 2020
Sixty-three years ago today, Pawpaw and Nanaw had their first date: a Washington University football game, Steak n Shake dinner and a drive-in movie. Last night Nanaw left her key in the Escape's ignition and ran down the battery. So Nanaw called Mama to say they had an emergency. She told Mama what was wrong, and Mama came to pick up Chase and take him to school. Nanaw called Triple A and a nice young Black man with dreadlocks came to jump her car. They talked, and she found out he'd been a Marine stationed in Okinawa and she told him about Mike Jr. being there, too. Chase was happy to see Nanaw after school to pick him up. After school, they went to the little library park but none of Chase's friends were there. So Chase and Nanaw played baseball together on the tennis court and had lots of fun. After baseball, they went to the car wash. Then they went to the Telegraph Road library to pick up books. Chase asked Nanaw to make a skinny blue and yellow bracelet for Brady and to put it in a gift bag so Nanaw did. She also fixed two of Chase's bracelets.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Nanaw decided to come back from the little house early so she could go to Chase's baseball game on Sunday afternoon. She was very excited to see the little fellow pitch. The game was at 2 p.m., and Nanaw got there early, a first for her. Mama was sitting with her friend Michelle so Nanaw sat behind Mama with Tanya. Nanaw had a nice time talking to Tanya. It was so much fun watching Chase pitch. Cole's dad did some warming up with Chase before he pitched. Two of the balls he pitched were really good, and the opposing team really hit them. Daddy said Chase pitched several really good pitches. Nanaw took his rubber band kits along with her when she went to Chase's house for dinner. The hamburger and beans were delicious. Mama bought kettle corn for Nanaw at Bass Pro. After dinner, Nanaw made a light blue and dark blue fishtail bracelet for Chase. He really liked it. He kept shooting it like rubber band until Mama told him to stop. Nanaw said he might break it. After the bracelet was finished, Chase, Mama and Nanaw went downstairs to play balloon baseball, which was fun. They all laughed lots.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house on Saturday morning while she went grocery shopping. Nanaw got out the rubber bands and the rubber band loom she bought at Waterloo Walmart last night. (The rubber band kit she bought from Amazon didn't have a loom so she went to Waterloo Walmart to get one.) Nanaw made some bracelets for Chase and Mama while Chase played on the computer. Mama and Chase really liked their bracelets. Nanaw promised to make more and also to try to buy a simpler loom. Mama invited Nanaw to Chase's baseball game at 2 p.m. on Sunday afternoon. Chase was going to pitch, along with Hunter, Cole, Brady and Owen. Mama also invited Nanaw for dinner on Sunday night. Daddy was grilling hamburgers and Mama was fixing beans. Mama told Chase they were going to Bass Pro in the afternoon, and Chase was so happy about that. Mama told Nanaw that Chase got a new fishing pole and was very excited about it. Nanaw bought another loom at Walmart and then another one at Michael's. She now has three rubber band looms.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Friday, September 25, 2020
Mama had the day off on Friday so she took Chase to school (It was a four banana week.) Mama and Nanaw had one of their shopping adventure days -- the first in a long while. It was wonderful. They went to Bath and Body at the mall, Office Max and Dollar General. Nanaw picked Chase up from school and they went to the little library park. Brady and Andrew weren't going to be there but Chase wanted to go anyway. It's a good thing they went because they had the best time ever. Will was there with his brothers Ben and Ryan and sister Claire. They all played baseball for a long time and had such fun. Nanaw pitched to the little ones so they could hit the ball. Nanaw forgot to take pictures of everybody, and she was very sad about that. Will was so good and sweet to his brothers and sister. He's such a good boy. Nanaw talked to Will's mom, and enjoyed seeing her and their dog, Hank Williams, Jr. While we were there at the park, Will's mom got an email from the school saying a third grader and a seventh grader had tested positive for Covid. The boys sort of knew about the third grader and told Nanaw and Will's mom who the third grader was. Nanaw hopes Will and his family come back to the park so they can play again. Nanaw was excited that the rubber band kit that Nanaw ordered came on Friday instead of Saturday, so she and Chase could work on it on Saturday.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Nanaw had a plan to avoid the trouble with Chase not wanting to do what Nanaw was telling him to do. For the school morning, Nanaw would make sure that Chase gets dressed first thing, before he goes to play on the computer. For playing in the park, Nanaw would give him a five minute warning before it was time to leave (unless his friends left before then -- he's always ready to leave when his friends leave, which is what happened today). For going home, at 5 p.m. Nanaw would have everything packed up and ready to go and then she and Chase will leave. Chase had an especially good time playing baseball in the park because three older boys joined the game with Chase, Brady and Andrew. Nanaw ordered a rainbow loom for making bracelets with rubber bands for Chase that will arrive Saturday. Tomorrow Mama has the day off and she's going to take Chase to school so Nanaw can sleep late. Mama and Nanaw's plans for tomorrow include going to the mall to Bath & Body Works to get a birthday present for Aunt Becca, then to Office Max to get a replacement notebook for Chase for school and an Alexa Flex for Nanaw, then maybe to the big park to walk on the trail. Mama said Chase was cracking up as he did Messenger with Andrew.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Happy 81st birthday, Pawpaw. Wednesday was sort of a bad day for Chase and Nanaw. Three times Nanaw had trouble getting Chase to do what he was supposed to do: getting ready to go to school; leaving the park; and getting ready to go home on time for practice. He wasn't listening to Nanaw and that was frustrating to Nanaw. They ended up upset with each other. They finally worked things out because they love each other but Nanaw has to figure out a way to solve the problem. She thinks she'll have Chase get dressed for school first thing in the morning rather than having play on the computer. At the park, she'll set a time for when they're going to leave and let Chase know how they're doing on time. For going home, Nanaw will get Chase ready to leave 15 minutes before they're due home: 5 p.m. on regular days and 4:30 on practice days. Doing these things might help the problem. After school, Chase and Nanaw went back to Nanaw's house to get the baseball bats and balls to take to the park; Nanaw forgot to bring them along. Chase had fun playing baseball with Brady and Andrew. Maybe they'll do it again tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Nanaw forgot to tell how on Sunday night, Chase read his Young Authors' story to Nanaw. It was about a little boy named Josh who played in a baseball game, and Nanaw really liked his story. He turned it in yesterday at school and got to have a dress down day for participating in the Young Authors Project. Chase absolutely loves baseball. When Nanaw picked Chase up, he told he got another 100% on reading. That means one more 100%, and he moves up another reading level, to 3.4. He said he thought he did well again today on the Iowa tests. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the little library park. As they drove up, Andrew and Brady were there playing, and Chase said he wished he had a little sister to play with like Andrew and Brady. Nanaw told Brady's grandma and Andrew's mother what Chase said, and they said he would change his mind if he really had a sister. Then Brady's grandma said Chase could borrow Emma for a few months. Chase did his Accelerated Reading with Nanaw in the afternoon because Chase was going to be gone in the evening. He had a special pitching practice with Daddy, Hunter and Hunter's dad. They might have a game on Sunday, and Hunter and Chase might be the pitchers. That would be so exciting.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Monday, September 21, 2020
When Chase got to Nanaw's on Monday morning, he was wearing one of the new pairs of skeleton jammies that Mama bought for him. This pair was a onesie that snapped in the front. That wasn't what Mama intended to buy but Chase was fine with them. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school on Monday afternoon, he told her his amazing news. He got another 100% on his reading test. He had the Iowa tests today so he didn't have any homework. He said that he thought he did well on the tests. After school, Chase wanted to go to the little library park. They went there but Brady and Andrew weren't there so Chase wanted to go home. At home, they read in the Uncle Clem book, and then Chase played on the computer. After Nanaw dropped Chase off, she went to the little library park and walked around the trail twice to get steps for her goal of 10,000. The last picture is one that Mama sent to Nanaw -- a selfie of Mama and Chase.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Nanaw was excited that the sleepover extended to 1 p.m. on Sunday. For breakfast, Chase had two chocolate donuts that Mama sent for him. She also sent his skeleton jammies with pizza on them -- Nanaw's favorites. When Chase saw them, he said, "I knew that's what Mama would send." Chase and Nanaw played baseball again on Sunday morning. Once again, Chase put out the bases, and Nanaw set up the strike zone on a chair. It was a fun game. Before Mama came to get Chase, they read some in the Uncle Clem book. Nanaw went over to Chase's house for dinner on Sunday evening. Mama fixed her delicious chili, and she also made delicious gluten-free corn bread. Nanaw ate lots of corn bread. But Chase wouldn't eat any corn bread; he says he doesn't like it. He would only eat a few bites of chili; he had a lunchable after that. After dinner, Chase and Nanaw went out in the back yard to play baseball. They had a really good time, and then Mama came out and played with them, too. Nanaw put the kitties (Charlie really) on a diet and the last picture of the three of them eating together, is the first time that's happened -- usually they eat at different times.
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Nanaw was so excited about Chase's sleepover Saturday night. Chase was excited too. On Saturday afternoon, Chase went to Emma's fifth birthday party in the big city park. He played with Brady and Jackson P., and Mama said they had a great time. Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house after the party was over. Chase and Nanaw went to Dollar Tree and bought little blue notepads that Chase wanted for the guys, along with a red stuffed bear, and some rubber toys. Nanaw had made the pot roast earlier in the day so it was all ready for their dinner. After Dollar Tree, Chase and Nanaw played a game of baseball. Chase put out the bases, and Nanaw set up the strike zone box on a chair for Chase. They had a lot fun. After the baseball game, they read in the Uncle Clem book, and then Nanaw got the pot roast ready for them. They started watching the Cardinals baseball game while they ate dinner. After dinner, they took Sidney Crosby the Cat for a walk in the cat stroller, then they watched the rest of the baseball game, and then they watched Toy Story 4. Chase played on the computer in between watching baseball and the movie. Finally, about 11:15 p.m. Chase went to bed, and Nanaw went to bed a little after that. They slept in Pawpaw's bed.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Friday, September 18, 2020
When Chase got to Nanaw's house on Friday morning, Nanaw had everything all ready for him to study the Journeys story for today's test, "Pop's Bridge." Chase did a good job of studying and Nanaw hoped that he would do well on the test. Later in the morning, Nanaw took Charlie to the vet for his annual check-up. The vet says he's overweight and needs to lose weight. Nanaw's not sure how she's going to help him do that but she'll figure something out. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he got a two on his Journeys test. He missed one of the reading comprehension questions (one that he definitely knew the answer to) and two of the vocabulary questions. He told Nanaw, "But at least I didn't get a 1." Nanaw took Chase to the little library park, which made him very happy. Both Brady and Andrew were there, which made him even happier. He had lots of fun playing with them, and they stayed longer than usual. On the way home, Chase played with Nanaw's phone. Then when they got to Nanaw's house, he still played with the phone. Nanaw is really looking forward to Chase's sleepover tomorrow night --they'll have lots of fun.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Chase read another book for Accelerated Reading and got another 100% on Thursday. That means he moves to the 3.3 reading level. He was so excited when he told Nanaw about it when she picked Chase up from school. As a special treat, they went to the little library park after school. Brady and Andrew weren't there -- they had other things to do. But Audrey was there. It was good to see her, her mother, her sister Vivian, her sister Grace and her brother Teddy. Nanaw had also bought another hedgehog at Dollar Tree for Chase, and she gave to him as his prize for moving to another reading level. Mama discovered that Chase didn't bring his Journeys reading book home with him. He has a test tomorrow on one of the Journeys stories and no way to study for the test. Mama found some vocabulary words for him to study. Nanaw found the story and the reading comprehension questions and printed them out so Chase can study Friday morning before school.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Wednesday, September 16. 2020
When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said, "Something amazing happened today." Then he told her he took one of the Accelerated Reading tests and got a 100%. Then he said he took another one and he got another 100%. He was so happy and proud about his scores. Chase didn't ask to go to the little library park after school because he knew that Brady and Andrew weren't going to be there -- they had other things they had to do. Nanaw told Chase that when they got home, they were going to do his homework because Mama was going to Auntie LaLa's house after she finished work. Plus, Chase had baseball practice tonight. First, Chase and Nanaw did his 15 minutes of Accelerated Reading. The book was titled "Friends" and was about Charlie Rooster, Johnny Mouse and fat Percy (a pig). Chase had fun messing with the timer, pausing it when he was eating carrots and couldn't read. It was very funny. In the 15 minutes, he managed to read the book 2 1/2 times. Next, he had to write his 20 spelling words three times each. Nanaw checked over the paper and found that for several of the words, he hadn't written them three times so she had him fix them.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Chase had a science test today so Mama helped him study last night. She said it didn't go well, that he didn't seem to know much about what was going to be on test. She asked Nanaw to go over the material before school on Tuesday morning so she did. Chase did better so Nanaw had high hopes for his performance on the test. As she was waiting for Chase to come out of school, Nanaw talked to Cole and Connor's moms. They're going through the same thing that Mama and Nanaw are with Chase. They're thinking that third grade is much harder than second grade. They wish the teacher would communicate more with the parents about homework and tests. They wish their boys would be better about listening to the teacher and paying attention in class. When Nanaw asked Chase how he did on his science test, he said he didn't know yet but that he didn't think he got an F. Then a few minutes later, he said that maybe he got an A+. Quite a range! Chase also remembered to bring his reading book home from school so Nanaw took him to the park to play with Brady and Andrew. At the park, Nanaw talked to Andrew's mother, and she was having the same problems and concerns as Mama, Nanaw and Cole and Connor's moms. Chase had a good time playing at the park. He sort of didn't want to leave again, but this time he didn't make a big deal out of it.