Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday, September 10, 2020

When Chase got dressed on Thursday morning, Nanaw put antibiotic cream on his many chigger bites -- poor baby. On the way to school, Chase decided he didn't want to wear his Minecraft mask to school; he wanted Nanaw to put it on Creeper. At home, Nanaw put the mask on Tee Tee and Creeper. (Chase later told Nanaw that wasn't what he'd asked her to do. So he's going to wear the Minecraft mask tomorrow. After school, when Nanaw picked Chase up, he begged to go to the park with Brady, even thought he didn't get 100% on one of his reading tests. Chase had a good time at the park with Brady, Andrew, Emma and Danica. Nanaw took picture of them and sent them to Mama. But when it was time to go, Chase didn't want to leave, and so he acted up. When Nanaw talked to Mama on the phone, she told Mama what happened. Mama said she would have a talk with Chase. When Chase and Nanaw got home, they read a chapter in the Uncle Clem book. Then they did a couple of reading comprehension exercises in the Bridge book. Finally, Nanaw let Chase play Roblox on the laptop. The first picture below is Sidney Crosby the Cat squeezing himself into a too-small box. The second picture is Creeper and Tee Tee wearing the Minecraft mask.


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