Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Nanaw decided to come back from the little house early so she could go to Chase's baseball game on Sunday afternoon. She was very excited to see the little fellow pitch. The game was at 2 p.m., and Nanaw got there early, a first for her. Mama was sitting with her friend Michelle so Nanaw sat behind Mama with Tanya. Nanaw had a nice time talking to Tanya.  It was so much fun watching Chase pitch. Cole's dad did some warming up with Chase before he pitched. Two of the balls he pitched were really good, and the opposing team really hit them. Daddy said Chase pitched several really good pitches. Nanaw took his rubber band kits along with her when she went to Chase's house for dinner. The hamburger and beans were delicious. Mama bought kettle corn for Nanaw at Bass Pro. After dinner, Nanaw made a light blue and dark blue fishtail bracelet for Chase. He really liked it. He kept shooting it like rubber band until Mama told him to stop. Nanaw said he might break it. After the bracelet was finished, Chase, Mama and Nanaw went downstairs to play balloon baseball, which was fun. They all laughed lots.

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