Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Nanaw had a plan to avoid the trouble with Chase not wanting to do what Nanaw was telling him to do. For the school morning, Nanaw would make sure that Chase gets dressed first thing, before he goes to play on the computer. For playing in the park, Nanaw would give him a five minute warning before it was time to leave (unless his friends left before then -- he's always ready to leave when his friends leave, which is what happened today). For going home, at 5 p.m. Nanaw would have everything packed up and ready to go and then she and Chase will leave. Chase had an especially good time playing baseball in the park because three older boys joined the game with Chase, Brady and Andrew. Nanaw ordered a rainbow loom for making bracelets with rubber bands for Chase that will arrive Saturday. Tomorrow Mama has the day off and she's going to take Chase to school so Nanaw can sleep late. Mama and Nanaw's plans for tomorrow include going to the mall to Bath & Body Works to get a birthday present for Aunt Becca, then to Office Max to get a replacement notebook for Chase for school and an Alexa Flex for Nanaw, then maybe to the big park to walk on the trail. Mama said Chase was cracking up as he did Messenger with Andrew.

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