Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house at 9 on Saturday while she went grocery shopping at Schnuck's. She also brought 10 big plastic eggs for Nanaw to use for Chase's Easter egg hunt tomorrow, plus an Easter basket for Nanaw; she told Nanaw not to peek. Chase and Nanaw had a wonderful time, and there was no playing on the computer. Nanaw got out the Legos and Chase's new little Lego guys. They put Chase's new Hot Wheels cars on the Lego bases, then Chase made a race track out of the bases. The big activity of the morning was a vaccine event for the stuffed animals Chase brought along with him. They lined the animals up on the dining room table, then took turns vaccinating them. Nanaw made a vaccine card for each animal, and Chase and Nanaw initialed the card after they administered the vaccine. Then they put adhesive tape on the vaccination site. Chase said Icicle and Icicle Junior would wait till next time. It was a wonderful event and a wonderful morning. In the afternoon, Chase, Mama and Daddy went to Aunt Becca's and Uncle Stan's for Easter dinner. Chase was going to have an Easter egg hunt with his cousins Cesi, Mallory and Elias and the daughter of Aunt Becca' best friend, Nicole.
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