Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday, March 20, 2015

Chase had two adventures today: going to the Museum and Transportation in the morning and going to his best friend Jackson's house in the evening. Chase and Nanaw went to the Train House, as Chase calls the museum, first thing in the morning. Their first stop there was the huge bookmobile in the lobby. It was donated to the museum by the St. Louis Public Library and is set up as a bookstore to sell used books to benefit the museum. Chase was fascinated with the bookmobile and wanted to go sit in the driver's seat but it was blocked off. Chase had his usual wonderful time in the Creation Station, playing with the trains on the train tables, with the mega blocks, the wooden blocks and in the kitchen. For the first time, and on his own, he tried on two of the outfits hanging on the wall: the policeman's outfit and the astronaut outfit. In one of the display cases, he saw a Percy Pez dispenser and a Thomas lunch box. He wanted Nanaw to buy them but she had to explain that they weren't for sale. In the afternoon after Chase's nap, Mama and Daddy came to pick him up for the adventure at Jackson's house for Jackson's Daddy's 40th birthday party.

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