Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday was a rainy day, so Chase and Nanaw stayed home, unusual for them. Chase had a bit of a cough and a runny nose so staying inside was probably a good idea for him. They had lots of at home adventures, though. First, they had story time with two elephant books and a stuffed elephant named Raja that Mama bought for Chase at the zoo. After breakfasts, Nanaw was going to do some cooking in the kitchen, and she asked Chase if he wanted to cook. He said no, but he would go get his tools. So he stood on the step stool and played with his tools while Nanaw did cooking stuff. Next they went downstairs and played with Chase's toys down there -- the trains and especially all the doll house stuff that Kristie and Lindsey used to play with. Chase really seems to like all of that. Then they went into the "schoolroom" and played a letter-matching game where Chase stacked up his alphabet letters on the alphabet streamers. After Chase's nap, he and Nanaw played in his room with his cars and trucks and the farm. All in all, it was a fun day of playing with Chase's toys.


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