Friday, March 13, 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Chase's adventure today was going to Tot Time at the Columbia Library. The story and the songs were about leprechauns and pots of gold. Chase really did well with sitting still and paying attention. He even sat on Nanaw's lap part of the time. Miss Candy's craft for the kids was a leprechaun. As usual, Chase's favorite part of the craft was using the glue stick. When they left Tot Time, Chase and Nanaw stopped at Chase's house to put the leprechaun on the fridge for Mama and Daddy. Next, Chase and Nanaw went shopping at Telegraph Road Walmart and Nanaw bought Chase a little miniature Thomas the Train and a small excavator that Chase calls Digger and also some new Play Dough. After Chase's nap, Chase and Nanaw went to Waterloo Walmart because Nanaw wanted to buy Chase more play tools and Telegraph Road didn't have any, and neither did Waterloo. Nanaw bought Chase another miniature train (this time it was Dash) and Chase the Paw Patrol puppy and his police car. Nanaw was very excited because Chase was spending the night with her, the first time in a long while. Mama and Daddy were going out to dinner and then to the Fox for Phantom of the Opera. After dinner, Chase had his bath, and then he and Nanaw played with his new Play Dough. They used cookie cutters to make all kinds of shapes. Chase stayed up late and didn't go to bed until 9:30. It took him a long while to fall asleep -- he did a lot of chattering and singing, mainly Frere Jacque -- no one knows where he learned that from.

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