Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Chase's adventure for Wednesday was having lunch at BreadCo with Great-aunt Rita and Great-uncle Doug -- and Nanaw, of course. They met at the BreadCo on Manchester Road near where Nanaw used to work -- Uncle Doug suggested it because it was sort of halfway between his house in Chesterfield and Nanaw's in Columbia -- Uncle Doug is always thinking. Chase was shy with Aunt Rita and Uncle Doug for about five seconds after they got there, and then became his usual friendly, charming self. Chase played with his LeapPad for a little while but mainly watched everything that was going on at the table, in the restaurant and outside the window. For lunch, first Chase had a pink iced cookie that he spotted at the place where you order your food. Nanaw tried to get him to wait until after lunch to have some of the cookie but eventually gave in and gave him the cookie. The rest of Chase's lunch consisted of Hawaiian punch, buttered noodles and a big crusty piece of bread. A pack of yogurt came with his lunch but he didn't want it then so Nanaw took it home. Nanaw thanked Uncle Doug and Aunt Rita again for giving Chase the four big boxes of books that had belonged to their grandsons Ryan and Greg. Chase loves all of the books, especially ones about Thomas the Train and the Berenstain Bears and the Richard Scarry books. After his nap, for whatever reason, Chase decided to take his farm and the farm animals to the big bath tub and play with them there -- he seems to like to play in the bath tub even without water.



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