Friday, April 14, 2017

Friday, April 14, 2017

Friday was quite the day of adventure for Chase. The adventure was a trip to the zoo with Mama, Daddy and Nanaw -- plus his friend Brady, Brady's mom and his sister Emma. The weather was beautiful and the rain forecast was cancelled. The boys had a great time together, running in front of the rest of the group and looking at everything together. Both of them were so excited to see the penguins -- those were their favorites. Emma was such a sweetie, and she had a good time also. In the afternoon, Nanaw went over to Chase's house for more adventures. First, Mama and Nanaw went to Schnucks to buy salmon for Daddy's and Nanaw's dinner and chicken for Mama's dinner. When they got home, Mama got everything ready to dye Easter eggs outside so Daddy could watch while he grilled. After the egg dying, Chase and Nanaw played baseball. Chase did really well at hitting the ball, especially when Nanaw managed to pitch it decently. After dinner, Daddy built a fire in the fire pit to roast marshmallows. Chase did a great job of roasting marshmallows for Daddy and Nanaw. Chase doesn't eat the roasted ones -- he prefers "raw marshmallows.

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