Monday was spring picture day at Chase's school, and Ms. Carrow sent an e-mail recommending bright colors. So Mama dressed Chase in a bright yellow shirt. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the little park by the library. Three of Chase's classmates were there to play: Brady, Drew and Andrew. The boys had a great time playing. Brady's sister Emma was there also, and she always tries to play with the boys -- it's very cute. When Chase and Nanaw got home, they went downstairs to play school. Chase had them say the pledge of allegiance and sing the Days of the Week song. They also did some spelling with Chase's magnetic alphabet letters. Nanaw tried to wait to take Chase home until Uncle Mike got to Nanaw's house to cut the grass but finally had to take him home. Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky brought Cheyenne and their new puppy Apache with them Apache is absolutely darling, and Cheyenne and the puppy are cute together. Aunt Becky took the dogs over to Mama's house so they could see the puppy. Evidently, Apache chased after Chase in the back yard; Cheyenne did her usual licking of Chase -- very cute.
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