Saturday, April 8, 2017

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Instead of going to visit Chase at his house first thing on Saturday morning, Nanaw went to watch his T-ball practice at 11 a.m. Chase was wearing the Cardinals' baseball cap Nanaw gave him. It was one she'd bought for herself a few years ago but since Nanaw never wears hats, she thought Chase should have it. He was very cute to watch on the ball field, running the bases and practicing throwing and catching the ball. Of course, his favorite thing is batting -- hitting the ball off the T-ball thing. He had a little problem for awhile, saying he didn't want to play anymore. Mama thinks it was because Daddy has to pay attention to all the other boys and girls because Daddy is the coach. So Mama went out on the field with him and that seemed to help. Brady and Emma and their cousins were playing after practice, and Chase played with them for awhile. After T-ball, Mama went to wine day at Aunt Becca's. Chase and Daddy went out to Grandma Pat's house in Wentzville for a visit. Mama said she knew Grandma would have yummy food for them. After visiting Grandma Pat, they were going to visit Uncle Chris. Unfortunately, Elias and Cessie weren't going to be there -- they were in Belleville visiting family. During T-ball practice, Mama and Nanaw got pictures of the new puppy from Aunt Becky -- very cute. His name is Apache, and he's coming to visit Nanaw on Easter.

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