Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wednesday morning while chase and Nanaw were eating breakfast and Nanaw was reading the newspaper, Chase said, "Let's see what's going on with the Blues." So Nanaw gave him the sports page -- it was very funny. Chase told Nanaw they had tacos for dinner last night, and Nanaw asked Chase if he ate one. He said yes and that he liked it. Nanaw was happy about that because she wants Chase to eat and enjoy the delicious dinners that his Mama prepares. Chase was happy that Nanaw brought his Paw Patrol umbrella when she came to pick him up from school. It was raining hard, and Chase liked using his umbrella. When they got home, Chase asked Nanaw if his first T-ball game was cancelled because of the rain, and Nanaw said she didn't know. So Chase got out his pretend iPhone, put it to his ear and called somebody who told him the game was cancelled -- it was very cute. Later, Nanaw said to Chase, "Guess who doesn't get to play in the playoffs? The Blackhawks!" Chase gave Nanaw a thumbs-up. Chase played Red Ball and Air Hockey on Nanaw's iPad till it was time to go home.

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