Nanaw took a picture of Chase's new shoes before she took him to school. When she picked him up, she asked if anybody said anything about his new shoes. He said no, but he would wear them again tomorrow and somebody would say something then -- the little fellow is a hoot! He told Nanaw that the class practiced for graduation in the gym. On the drive home talking to Mama, Nanaw asked Chase what he had for lunch. He said he had hot ham and cheese. Mama said the menu called it chef's choice. Chase said they also had chicken fajita. Chase and Nanaw went to the library to pick up a book for Nanaw. Chase played with the magnetic plastic building blocks and then got a nutrigrain bar from the "bending" machine. When Nanaw took Chase home, Mama gave her a bag of goodies she bought for Chase at the grocery store to keep at Nanaw's house, including nutrigrain bars!! Daddy took Chase to get a haircut so Nanaw is anxious to see how he looks -- she loves when he gets his hair cut and has really short hair.
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