Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Mama brought books and "amamals" on Tuesday morning for Chase -- including Chase's favorite book: Wally Woof's Missing Bone. Nanaw is writing down all the books they read for the County Library reading program. Chase brought Tee Tee, big Jack and little Jack and BB8. The first thing Chase and Nanaw did was to play a game of Bingo. Tee Tee played with them, and each person had five cards -- it was hard to keep up. A little after 10, Chase and Nanaw went to Sylvan Springs Park by the cemetery so Chase could play in the water area. There were lots of boys and girls there, and Chase had a wonderful time running around in the water, laughing and playing with the other children. After the water park, they went to the Telegraph Road library. Chase picked out another I Spy book. He got two packages Mike and Ike candy out of the "bending" machine -- the first one got stuck so Nanaw had to get another one so the first one would drop down. Chase had a baseball game in the evening, and he got a good hit each of his three at-bats -- he's such a good hitter.

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