Saturday, May 12, 2018

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Nanaw went to visit Chase early on Saturday morning. She wasn't going to his baseball practice because she was going out to the little house. On her way into Chase's house, Nanaw saw a pretty red rock in the rock garden outside the house. It gave her the idea that she and Chase should do a rock collection. So they did. They went outside and picked up the coolest rocks they could find. They found plastic bags and labels for their collection. They took the bags outside and found more rocks. Mama said they have to put the rocks back in the rock garden eventually but they haven't done it yet. In the afternoon, after baseball practice, Chase, Mama and Daddy went to Jackson's 7th birthday party in O'Fallon at a Ninja place. Mama says Chase had a really good time. Chase told Nanaw they had a Ninja Obstacle Course that he really liked and also a zip line. In the evening, Mama, Daddy and Chase went over to Jackson's house for awhile to visit.

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