Saturday, August 31, 2019

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Nanaw was happy to have bonus time with Chase on Saturday. Mama and Daddy were getting ready for their party tomorrow so Nanaw invited Chase to come over to her house and play with her. Mama dropped Chase off at Nanaw's on her way to the grocery store. Nanaw had left the Legos out on the kitchen counter, and Chase and Nanaw played with them for a long while. Then they decided to go to a park so Chase could do Ninja Warrior obstacle stuff. Chase chose Suson. Unfortunately, because it was Saturday, the playground was crowded, which is a no-go for Chase. So they went to the big park in Columbia. Fortunately, at first, there were no other children on the playground. Then, a few children came but Chase didn't seem to mind. He had a great time, with Nanaw telling him what obstacles to do and then timing him. Next, they went back to Nanaw's house for lunch, and then Nanaw took Chase home. His Aunt Ginny was there visiting; she'll be there at the party on Sunday. Mama said Chase told her he wants to be a bartender at the party. Then he wrote Live Music 1 p.m. on the whiteboard. Mama asked him what the live music was, and he said Daddy was going to play the guitar, and he was going to sing. LOL!

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