Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Chase and Nanaw played downstairs on Tuesday for awhile, after Nanaw put Campho Phenique on 
Chase's chigger bites. Both Nanaw and Chase are scratching like crazy. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw went to the big park in Columbia. Chase was pleasantly surprised to find that there were a lot more Ninja Warrior activities that he can do in the big park. He thought there was only one but it turned out that there were 10 or 12 -- much to his delight. In the evening, Mama, Chase and Nanaw went to the Magic House, the prize for Chase participating in the St. Louis County Library reading program. First, they went to the McDonald's on Lindbergh by the Magic House for dinner. The Magic House was fairly crowded, which Chase didn't like but which he tolerated. They visited lots of the places they hadn't gone to last Friday: the fish area, the Congress room, the construction area, the magnet area, and the water area. They also visited lots of the areas they went to on Friday: the library, the bank, the hospital, the vet, the Lego area and the fishing pond. It was a fun visit. They're going again on August 25 for Wells Fargo Night, with Daddy coming along.


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