Monday, August 26, 2019

Wednesday, August 14 to Monday, August 26

For almost two weeks, Nanaw was out of service and didn't do Days of Chase. But she's all better now so that's good news. On Wednesday, August 14, Chase and Nanaw went to Suson Park so Chase could do his Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course. In the evening, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to Marie's for ice cream before Chase's first day of second grade. Thursday, August 15 was the first day of school, and Mama and Nanaw took Chase to school. It was the first time Nanaw had seen the new school, and it's absolutely beautiful. For the first time, Chase has a desk instead of sitting at a table. Four of the desks are pushed together so that it's still like a table. On Friday, August 16, in the afternoon, Nanaw didn't feel well so she had Mama take her to the Emergency Room at Saint Anthony's / Mercy South. They couldn't find what was wrong with her and she left about 11:30. For the next week, Nanaw was extremely tired and couldn't drive to take Chase to school or pick him up so Mama and Daddy did that. Mama brought Chase over to visit Nanaw everyday, which was wonderful of Mama. Mama also took Nanaw to her doctor appointments. Nanaw is so lucky to have Mama as her daughter. On Saturday, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Columbia Days, and Chase got to hang out with his friends Brady and Hunter. On Sunday, August 18 Mama and Chase went to the Zoo and had a super time. On Monday, August 19, Mama took Nanaw to her doctor, and then brought Chase over to visit Nanaw. On Tuesday, August 20, Uncle Mike took Nanaw to her ultra sound appointment, and Mama brought Chase over to visit Nanaw. Nanaw didn't go anywhere on Wednesday, August 21 or Thursday, August 22, but Mama brought Chase to visit. Mama got all dressed up for Thursday night's Bags and Bubbly gala. On Friday, August 23, Mama took Nanaw to her doctor again. This time, the doctor did an EKG and said that Nanaw was in atrial fibrillation, and that she should go to her heart doctor. The doctor arranged for Nanaw to go to the heart doctor, and she took her EKG results. The heart doctor agreed that she was in atrial fibrillation, and he scheduled a cardio version (shocking the heart back into normal rhythm) for her on Wednesday, August 28. He also prescribed a new, expensive medicine for her ($200 a month). Nanaw started to feel better even before she took the new medicine (a mental thing, she's sure). On Saturday, Nanaw felt even better, much less tired. Mama and Chase went to Purina Farms with Auntie LaLa, Uncle Chris and little Will for lots of rides and food and extreme fun. There were lots of Ninja Warrior type things, and Chase was ecstatic about that. On Sunday, August 25, Mama and Chase went to Uncle Mike's so Chase could go swimming, even though it was chilly outside. He also had fun playing ping pong. On Sunday evening, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to the Magic House for Wells Fargo Night. (Nanaw was feeling much better but she rode the elevator instead of walking up the steps. On Monday, August 26, Mama and Chase took Nanaw to the heart doctor for her to get another EKG to see if she was back in normal rhythm and could cancel the cardio version. And she was! Yay! So now she can go back to normal. Chase stayed at Nanaw's house when they got back from the doctor. They built houses and cars and Ninja Warrior Obstacle courses from Lincoln Logs. Nanaw drove Chase home, the first time she'd driven since August 16. Another yay!

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