Thursday, August 1, 2019

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Chase and Nanaw had another interesting, miscellaneous day on Thursday. Nanaw sent the two pictures below to Mama: the first one is Chase lying on the couch petting a visitor cat (Taylor). The second on is Chase lying in the garden tub, with Nanaw telling Mama that Chase is as long as the tub. The first thing Chase and Nanaw did was to go to Walmart to get an oil change for Nanaw's car. They also did Nanaw's grocery shopping. Chase told Nanaw, "I've been very good so I should get a toy." Nanaw wasn't sure when he'd been very good but she agreed to the toy. Nanaw suggested they try to find a demo derby toy, and Chase thought that was a good idea. Nanaw found a truck that crashes and then ejects its mystery cargo. Nanaw wanted Chase to get it but Chase didn't want it. Then he said Nanaw was forcing him to get the toy, just like she forced him to get the bread at Walmart yesterday. Nanaw told Chase she wasn't forcing Chase to do anything and never would, except when it meant his safety. He finally settled on a box of nine Hot Wheels cars. After Walmart, Nanaw dropped books off at the library, and then they went home. They played with the new Hot Wheels cars for awhile, plus more Hot Wheels from Chase's room. Nanaw got Chase's Sky City track from downstairs. They ran the cars down the ramps, with Chase crashing cars into them when they came off the ramp -- his own version of demo derby. Chase and Nanaw did school for awhile before Nanaw took Chase home.

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