Saturday, February 29, 2020

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap Day! On Saturday morning, Mama sent Nanaw a text saying that Chase had thrown up during the night -- poor baby. Nanaw went over to Chase's house to go with them to Chase's soccer game. But Nanaw had missed Mama's text saying that Chase didn't want to go to his soccer game. So Nanaw stayed for a few minutes, kissed him and told him she'd see him at Mama's party Saturday night. At 4 o'clock, Nanaw went to Chase's house; she brought shrimp for the party. Lots of people were there -- Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky, cousin Joe and his girlfriend, cousin Robbie and his girlfriend, cousin Nichole, Jen, Jackson and Joe, Auntie LaLa and Uncle Chris, Aunt Becca and Uncle Stan. Mama had lots of good food: jambalaya, bacon-wrapped smokies; dips, White Castles, brownies, popcorn, cupcakes, cookies and lots more. Chase was still not feeling well. He spent a long time on the sectional. Then he started playing with Jackson and seemed to feel better. Everybody watched the XFL game and then the hockey game. Nanaw put Chase to bed at about 9 o'clock. She read a book to him about a pouty fish.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday, February 28, 2020

Chase got to see Uncle Mike Friday morning before he went to school. Uncle Mike came down to Nanaw's house to watch the excavator guy work on Nanaw's sewer. Uncle Mike did a Snapchat story on the excavation, and it was really cool. Nanaw made screen shots of the pictures he took and the comments he made so now she has a permanent record of his cool presentation. Everything is now fixed, and Nanaw was ecstatic. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her that his belly hurt this morning so he went to the office. Mrs. Epplin gave him crackers and had him go to the bathroom, and he said he felt better then. Uncle Mike had left when Nanaw went to get Chase from school so he didn't get to see him again today. But Nanaw and Chase will see Uncle Mike Saturday night at Mama's Mardi Gras / Leap Year party. And Chase will finally get to play with the plastic frogs. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the cemetery, to the gas station and to the library. At the library, Nanaw bought Chase some chocolate donuts and made another donut tower.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday, February 27, 2020

When Nanaw took Chase to school on Thursday morning, she got a hug from Sami, in addition to her daily hug from Maria. The utilities locator guy came today and marked everything in Nanaw's front yard with paint and flags. He said the excavator guy was coming tomorrow at 7 a.m. Nanaw sent a picture of the flags and paint to Mama and Uncle Mike. Chase said he had chicken patties for lunch to day and that they were good. He's having cheese pizza for lunch tomorrow, and he said that's because Catholics don’t eat meat on Fridays during Lent. Chase and Nanaw played a word game when they got back to Nanaw's house. They asked each other words for palindromes and then had to use the palindrome in a sentence. It was great fun. (A palindrome is a word that reads the same backward as forward.) Chase really liked the utilities flags in Nanaw's front yard. Too bad he'll be at school when the excavator digs up the yard -- Chase would like to see that. Uncle Mike is coming to Nanaw's house tomorrow to watch the excavation.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

It snowed last night -- a beautiful wet snow that stuck to the trees and bushes. Chase was unhappy that he didn't have a snow day so Mama and Nanaw had a grouchy Chase to deal with. It was still snowing when Nanaw took Chase to school. Maria gave Nanaw her daily hug and told Nanaw she was all wet. And Nanaw said it was snowing outside and that was why she was wet. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, it was no longer snowing but it was really cold and windy on the parking lot. Nanaw thinks that's the coldest place in Columbia. Nanaw and Chase stopped at Chase's house for him to go to the bathroom, despite his protests. (He seems to protest everything except playing on his tablet and the laptop. After leaving Chase's house, Nanaw and Chase went to the library to pick up CD books and a movie for Nanaw, again with protests from Chase. But Nanaw let Chase play on her phone so that lessened the protests. On the way home from the library, Nanaw told Chase she'd gotten out the kinetic sand for them to play with but Chase said he didn't want to. He told Nanaw she could play with it while he played on the laptop. But when they got home, Chase went right to the kinetic sand on the kitchen counter and played with it for about half an hour before heading to the laptop. Yay!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

When Nanaw took Chase to school on Tuesday morning, it was cold and misting and windy -- very yucky. Neither Chase nor Nanaw liked the weather. Mama picked Chase up early s he could go to the orthodontist. His expander broke and came out of his mouth during his sleepover at Nanaw's house last weekend. He keeps having trouble with expander coming out. When Chase and Mama got back from the orthodontist, Mama texted Nanaw to come over. Chase wanted to show Nanaw his new Xbox1. They sat together on the couch, and Nanaw watched Chase play hockey. He's so cute doing that, and it was lots of fun for Nanaw. Nanaw did her laundry at Mama's house again and took it home when it was done. Then she came back to Chase's house. They were going to Applebee's in Waterloo for dinner because it was ICS night there. Chase ate well: mac an cheese, mozzarella sticks, apple juice and an Oreo shake for dessert. Nanaw had riblets (Yum!); Mama had chicken tenders; and Daddy had double crunch shrimp.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020

When Nanaw unpacked Chase's bag of stuffed "amamals" Monday morning, she found a banana toy. She couldn't remember the name for it, so she asked Chase, and he said, "Bananas in Pajamas." Nanaw took a picture of Chase holding it and sent the picture to Mama. Nanaw asked Mama if she still had her big Bananas in Pajamas but Mama said she'd gotten rid of it. At school, Nanaw took a picture of Chase's George Washington poster hanging out in the hall with all his classmates' posters and sent that to Mama also. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he wanted to play with her phone but Nanaw said she had to call Mama for the pick-up call and also charge the phone. Mama said she'd made an orthodontist appointment for Chase; part of his expander fell out over the weekend while he was having his sleepover with Nanaw. It was raining outside, and Chase was sad because he wanted to play baseball with Nanaw. At Nanaw's house, Chase played with the laptop and also with Tee Tee and Inky. He ate lots of applesauce and drank his chocolate milk. He wants to show Nanaw his new Xbox 1. Mama said they could do it after Chase's orthodontist appointment on Tuesday. Nanaw could come over to Chase's house, and Chase could show it to Nanaw before dinner. Nanaw is going with them to Applebee's in Waterloo. It's ICS Night there.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Nanaw and Chase had a good sleepover Saturday night. On Sunday morning, Nanaw was ver proud of Chase for completely dressing himself, including socks, with no fussing or complaining. Nanaw stacked Chase's powdered sugar donuts into a tower and took a picture of it and sent it to Mama -- Mama texted back that she liked the donut tower. Daddy came to pick Chase up at 8:30 a.m. to take him to baseball practice. In the afternoon, Chase, Mama and Nanaw went to Helping Strays for Rescue Readers. Chase brought along his Dog Man and Cat Kid book to read to the dogs and cats. To Nanaw's and Mama's surprise, Chase wanted to wear a Rescue Readers cape while he read. That may have been the first time.  Chase read to two dogs, and then they went to play with the kitties. There were lots of cute kitties, and Chase and Nanaw had lots of fun with them. Chase's friend from school, Evie, was there with her mother. The other day, Mama asked Chase if he had a girlfriend, and he said it was Evie. LOL

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Mama didn't go to the grocery store on Saturday morning so Chase didn't come to visit Nanaw. Chase had a hockey game in the afternoon, and Nanaw went to watch her boy play. He got in some good kicks. Next week is the last hockey game of the season, and Nanaw will miss watching Chase play. But baseball will be starting soon! Mama and Daddy went to the dinner auction at Chase's school Saturday night so Chase had a sleepover with Nanaw -- Yay! First, they went to the library to return a book and play the scavenger hunt game. But Chase decided he didn't want to do the scavenger hunt so they went back to Nanaw's house for awhile before dinner. The weather was really nice so they played baseball. Chase was providing helpful hints to Nanaw about batting -- it was very cute. For dinner, they went to tunnel McDonald's on Telegraph Road but Chase didn't want to go into the play area because it was crowded. McDonald's accidentally gave Chase and Nanaw their food to go; Chase decided he wanted to go home to eat. They sat at the kitchen counter and watched Chase TV while they ate. Chase played on the laptop for while before he and Nanaw and Chase's stuffed "amamals" went to bed.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday, February 21, 2020

When Nanaw took Chase to school on Friday morning, Mrs. Meyer was having the boys and girls stack their biography posters in one pile, their reading logs in another pile, and their American Symbols answers in another pile -- very organized. As Nanaw was leaving the room, she heard a little voice saying "Don't leave yet." It was Sami, and she wanted a hug. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he was eating a sucker. He said they now have a candy box, and he got to choose from the candy box. In her weekly newsletter, Mrs. Meyer said the boys and girls are having difficulty with coins, and she asked that parents and grandparents practice coins with the kids. So Nanaw got the coins out of her purse and practiced with Chase. He seems to know them well. Then he played a hockey game with the coins -- of course. Next, he played a football game with the coins. Finally, he and Nanaw played a game of guessing heads or tails, Nanaw won! That doesn't happen often with Chase.