Monday, February 3, 2020

Monday, February 3, 2020

Mama and Daddy both had the day off from work on Monday. So Daddy took Chase to school. Chase gave Daddy the papers from his green folder, that he forgot to bring home on Friday. Nanaw missed seeing Chase on Monday morning and was really happy to pick him up from school. Mama was at the vet with Tyler the cat so Chase and Nanaw didn't do a pick-up call -- Mama called later when she was done at the vet. (Tyler is fine and healthy, as always.) After school, Nanaw and Chase went to the car wash. Chase played with Nanaw's phone so he didn't fuss too much about not going straight home. At Nanaw's house, Chase played with the laptop. He had several snacks: applesauce, chocolate milk, mixed vegetables and corn flakes (also know as baby chippies). Nanaw read the paper about the new class project to Mama when Mama called them. The boys and girls have to select a famous person and make a poster about them. They also have to make a costume and participate in a parade. In the evening, Nanaw went over to Chase 's house for a steak dinner -- Yum!

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