Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday, February 27, 2020

When Nanaw took Chase to school on Thursday morning, she got a hug from Sami, in addition to her daily hug from Maria. The utilities locator guy came today and marked everything in Nanaw's front yard with paint and flags. He said the excavator guy was coming tomorrow at 7 a.m. Nanaw sent a picture of the flags and paint to Mama and Uncle Mike. Chase said he had chicken patties for lunch to day and that they were good. He's having cheese pizza for lunch tomorrow, and he said that's because Catholics don’t eat meat on Fridays during Lent. Chase and Nanaw played a word game when they got back to Nanaw's house. They asked each other words for palindromes and then had to use the palindrome in a sentence. It was great fun. (A palindrome is a word that reads the same backward as forward.) Chase really liked the utilities flags in Nanaw's front yard. Too bad he'll be at school when the excavator digs up the yard -- Chase would like to see that. Uncle Mike is coming to Nanaw's house tomorrow to watch the excavation.

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