Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

On Wednesday morning, there was winter weather warning, so Chase and Nanaw started planning their snow day for tomorrow. They would build a tiny snowman, play snow baseball with snowballs, make snow ice cream and make snow angels. They would have a fire in the fireplace and drink hot chocolate. But when Nanaw picked Chase up from school, Mama said the winter weather warning was cancelled, so there wouldn't be a snow day tomorrow. Mama also said the First Eucharist meeting and Chase's baseball practice tonight were cancelled. The parking lot at Chase's school was very slushy so Nanaw was really careful walking on it. Chase said he had a good time in computer class, which is his favorite class. He also said he has six subtraction problems for homework. He said they're regrouping in the hundreds. He told Mama he would need her help with them. Chase played hockey games on the laptop and showed Nanaw the games. He said when he grows up, he wants to be a hockey player. He used to say he wanted to be a baseball player, but now hockey has supplanted baseball.

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