Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

It snowed last night -- a beautiful wet snow that stuck to the trees and bushes. Chase was unhappy that he didn't have a snow day so Mama and Nanaw had a grouchy Chase to deal with. It was still snowing when Nanaw took Chase to school. Maria gave Nanaw her daily hug and told Nanaw she was all wet. And Nanaw said it was snowing outside and that was why she was wet. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, it was no longer snowing but it was really cold and windy on the parking lot. Nanaw thinks that's the coldest place in Columbia. Nanaw and Chase stopped at Chase's house for him to go to the bathroom, despite his protests. (He seems to protest everything except playing on his tablet and the laptop. After leaving Chase's house, Nanaw and Chase went to the library to pick up CD books and a movie for Nanaw, again with protests from Chase. But Nanaw let Chase play on her phone so that lessened the protests. On the way home from the library, Nanaw told Chase she'd gotten out the kinetic sand for them to play with but Chase said he didn't want to. He told Nanaw she could play with it while he played on the laptop. But when they got home, Chase went right to the kinetic sand on the kitchen counter and played with it for about half an hour before heading to the laptop. Yay!

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